It's Time for the Perfect Pout - The Do's and Don'ts of Lip Filler

Don’t you want the most kissable lips for Valentines? Lip filler can enhance your pout giving you plump, hydrated lips with results that can last up to 12 months*.

If you would like to enhance the appearance of your lips with dermal filler, there are a few things to consider:

1. Choose a reputable provider:

It's important to choose a practitioner who is experienced and trained in administering dermal fillers. Reputable practitioners will always have a portfolio of their work on social media platforms or available to view at your appointment in clinic. Every injector tends to have a different style. Ensure your chosen practitioner is aligned with what you want to acheive. Slightly different placement of lip filler can give a very different end result.

2. Have realistic expectations: 

Dermal fillers can help plump and enhance the appearance of your lips, but they won't necessarily give you the exact look you want or fix all asymmetries. It's important to have realistic expectations about the results. Always discuss your concerns and goals with your practitioner during your consultation.

3. Talk it out:

Discuss your goals and concerns with your treating nurse or doctor before the procedure. This will help ensure that you are both on the same page and that you get the results you want. This will also provide opportunity for your practitioner to explain the best process for you and what is a realistic outcome and any requests that may not be achievable.

4. Follow post-treatment instructions: 

After your treatment, our practitioners will give you instructions on how to care for your lips. It's important to follow these instructions carefully to help ensure the best possible results. Each practitioner will have their own preferences for aftercare. Always ensure you follow the post instructions of your treating nurse or doctor. If you have any concerns about your post treatment healing please get in touch with us either by text on 0405188884 during work hours or email or Instagram DM if out of hours.

5. Maintain your look:

Dermal fillers are not permanent and will eventually be absorbed by the body. Keep in mind that you will need to have top-up treatments in the future to maintain your desired look. Unfortunately the time to have a top up varies significantly between individuals and so we cannot give you an exact time to come back. It is best to be mindful to not overfill and to delay top ups until the lip has decreased in size a little. We will always be honest and let you know if the lip will look too full if you come back too soon.

6. Don't overdo it:

It's important to start with a small amount of filler and gradually build up to the desired result. Using too much filler at once can result in an unnatural or overfilled appearance and increase the risk of potential migration.

We currently have a Valentines Day Special with Elayne and Flora for the month of February!

$250 per half ml

$450 per full ml

You can book online here.

*longevity is based on your bodies metabolism and ability to break down the filler. Some results may last 12 months, some less and some more.

Erin Thompson